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MCPI Addons

by Bigjango13

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What is MCPI-Addons

MCPI-Addons is a mod developed by Bigjango13 for Minecraft Pi Edition: Reborn. It enhances the game's API by introducing a multitude of features and functionalities that were not originally available in the standard version. This mod enables players and developers to interact with the game in more dynamic and advanced ways, providing a richer experience by extending the capabilities of the API.

How to Use MCPI-Addons

To start using MCPI-Addons, you'll need to ensure that you have Minecraft Pi Edition: Reborn version 2.4.8 or later installed. The first step is to install the frontend using Python's package manager, pip, with the command:

pip3 install mcpi-addons

After installing the frontend, if compiling the backend isn't an option for you, you can obtain the latest version directly from the releases. To compile the backend, execute the ./ script to create the necessary binary file. Then, move the generated file to ~/.minecraft-pi/mods to complete the installation.

Once you have set up the mod, you can use it in your Python scripts. Here's a simple "Hello World" example to get you started:

from mcpi_addons.minecraft import Minecraft

# Connect to Minecraft
mc = Minecraft.create()

# Post a message to the chat
mc.postToChat("Hello world!")

Key Features of MCPI-Addons

MCPI-Addons introduces a variety of features that enhance the gameplay and extend programming capabilities:

  • Logging Enhancements: Provides functions to log messages at various levels (debug, info, warning, error) for better debugging and information tracking.

  • Inventory Management: Allows manipulation of player inventory, such as getting the current slot's details and giving items without safety checks.

  • Custom Overrides: Enables resetting and applying ID overrides for tiles and items.

  • Advanced World Interaction: Access detailed block information within specified coordinates, and manage particles and world properties.

  • Player and Entity Control: Includes methods to interact with player attributes like health and gamemode, and manage entities by spawning or modifying them.

  • Chat and Event Handling: Features to handle chat events and interact with the chat interface directly.

  • Reborn Version Features: Offers functions to check the status and version of Reborn features.

These features combine to provide a powerful toolkit for enhancing Minecraft Pi Edition: Reborn, making it a versatile platform for both educational purposes and advanced gameplay modifications. Whether you're a developer looking to create custom mods or a player wanting to enhance your game experience, MCPI-Addons offers the tools you need to push the boundaries of what's possible in Minecraft Pi Edition.

How to Use

To use the MCPI-Addons, follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Follow the setup instructions to create an account (if required)
  3. Connect the MCP server to your Claude Desktop application
  4. Start using MCPI-Addons capabilities within your Claude conversations

Additional Information


June 22, 2022



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